Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art

Category: Art Exhibit

CALL for ENTRIES: 28th Nat’l OPA


Learn more about the 28th National Juried at Illume Gallery in Saint George UT from Oil Painters of America!

celebratory EDIBLES

Do you make food resolutions?  No, I don’t mean diets.  Do you make promises to eat healthier or cleaner?  Or maybe to cut some food that makes you itchy, grouchy or gas-y?  Yeah, me neither.  Not anymore.  My eating habits go with the flow.  I eat a lot of whole, fresh foods, punctuated by occasional, terribly-crappy junk food, and it seems to work for me, ha.  This year, I am resolved to drink more bubbly.  I love Prosecco.  I like the sense of celebration, and I want to spend more time celebrating the little stuff.  What is your go-to drinkable or edible celebratory treat?  Chocolate? Guac?  Join me for my year of Yay!  We deserve it.

My last major change was the abandoning of all dairy except whole milk options, and a complete, mid-career left turn in mediaYikes.  Until my change of media a couple of years ago, I was working, almost exclusively, as a xerographist.  There is no Xerography Association, locally, nationally or internationally, to my knowledge.  So, I never had the ability to take advantage of media-specific membership.  Now that I am a watercolorist, I have more options.  However, because I embroider over my paintings, my work is typically considered mixed media by painters and painting by fiber artists.  I’m not sure if I’ll ever find a watercolor or fiber art society to call home.  Do you have a media association that you love?  

One of the benefits of association shows is the prestige.  Because they are almost always juried by working master artists, the recognition of your work is meant to be a stamp of approval on your dedication to developing your skills, plus, they often have large cash prizes.  There are frequently multiple show opportunities throughout the year as well as educational & critique options that can’t be found anywhere else.  THOSE are all great arguments for the next Call, but I’m not an oil painter.  If you are, this is a great show.

Check out this Call for Entries for the 28th Annual Nat’l Exhibition from Oil Painters of America to be exhibited at the Illume Gallery of Fine Art (Saint George, UT).  $100,000 in awards including $25K Best of Show.  Don’t wait…

Learn more about the 28th National Juried at Illume Gallery in Saint George UT from Oil Painters of America!CALL for ENTRIES:
28th Nat’l Juried
from Oil Painters of America


ELIGIBILITY: Open to artists residing in the U.S., Canada & Mexico

MEDIA: Representational oil painting

DEADLINE: January 25, 2019

NOTIFICATION: February 22, 2019

ENTRY FEE: $30 for 1, $15 ea. add’l (plus membership fee of $70). More membership information can be found on the OPA website, under the Member Services tab. 

JURORS:  OPA Master Signature member Kenn Backhaus OPAM

AWARDS: The total awards will be approximately $100,000, including a $25,000 Best In Show.

SALES: Commission of 40% is required by the gallery for all paintings sold.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from Oil Painters of America!


2019 Changes for!

CHEERS to change

I seem to always anticipate being done with the year, exhausted & ready for the idea of a fresh start do-over.  This year I feel a subtle, but significant change.  I am excited for the new year.  2018 has been hard and uncomfortable and has brought anxiety and fear and embarrassment AND GROWTH.  My work has grown by leaps and bounds.  Where are you?  I fell into a rut and found my work technically more proficient, but I was creating without joy.

I languished.  I talked with my friends & peers.  Everyone had a story, but no one had a solution.  I finally realized that it was fear that was holding me back.  There is safety in the clear, known action.  After 20 years, I changed media.  I’ve coached a lot of artists on how to do it.  Easy, right?  Yeah, not.  It feels like artistic, metaphorical puberty. Painful.  The difference is that I now know there is something on the other side puberty. And, I can’t wait.

So, cheers to the new year.  Raise a glass of whatever you crave, my current obsession is Prosecco, and let’s celebrate possibility.  I’m scared but willing to gamble.  How about you?  That isn’t a rhetorical question.  AAAD is about to change…

Have you noticed the lack of posts?  I am busy.  You are too. And, I’m not trying to sell the cult of busy.  I am creating and screwing up and scheduling and dreaming.  There hasn’t been use value in my posts FOR ME, so I have been avoiding them doing them at all, despite knowing that they ARE useful to some of you.  Self-absorbed, but honest.  How do we resolve this problem?  My solution is to make these posts a part of my practice and process.  Change is necessary but still scary.

So… food segues remain, calls remain, subscriptions remain free.  Content will be less formal, more personal.  Visuals will be simpler, colors softer.   Some sharing of my own work (oh, the scandal) and some of yours too. ♥ I want to weigh the pros & cons of calls and opportunities for me, personally, in the hopes that my painful transparency makes you think about some portion of your own journey differently.  We can’t all be on the same journey, but we all have the same issues with different food and geography and destination.

I don’t know exactly how all of this is going to look; be prepared for some trial and error.  Tell me what works and what doesn’t.  Tell me your stories and how your experience applies.  Want to help?  Follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Insta, wherever you are.  Give us a thumbs up, like or re-post.  Interact.  We don’t need the social media boost, just YOU.

I want community.

CALL for ENTRIES: Animal Life 2018

Learn more about the Animal Life 2018 exhibit from!

bear-ly HUNGRY

I live in black bear country, and hyperphagia is coming to an end soon.  Hyperphagia is the time of year when the bears gorge themselves in preparation for their winter “hibernation”, although black bears don’t really hibernate, per see. (I digress.)  This means a few months on not being paranoid about leaving sunflower seeds in my car or a stray pizza box in the outdoor trash can.  Some people have raccoons, I have bears, ha.  This next Call is all about animal life.  Whatcha got?

Check out this Call for Entries from for Animal Life 2018. $20 entry, no shipping & open to all still media.  Thematically open to interpretation. Take a look…

Learn more about the Animal Life 2018 from!CALL for ENTRIES:
Animal Life 2018

ELIGIBILITY: All artists age 18+

MEDIA:   Open to still media, including painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, digital, prints, fiber art, collage, etc.

THEME: Animal Life ““Animal” can be interpreted literally or conceptually for animals Wild, Domestic, On Land, In The Air or Under The Sea.  The image should intrigue and fascinate the viewer with the artist’s vision and interpretation of the animal’s beauty, elegance, strength, speed, delicateness, size, and or its environment. The work can reflect on creatures of the land, sea and air from the simplicity of a domesticated pet to a ferocious wild animal. The works depiction can range from the love one feels for a pet, the amazing diversity of life on the planet and the concern for preserving all creatures from extinction.

DEADLINE:  November 5, 2018

NOTIFICATION: November 16, 2018

ENTRY FEE: $20 for 1, $10 ea. add’l

AWARDS:   $8,125 in cash & marketing prizes.  (e.g. 1st place $500, 2nd Place $400, 3rd Place $300, etc) + helpful marketing. There will be 7 Winners and 10 Honorable Mentions. 

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from!

CALL for ENTRIES: Moment in Time 2018


Learn more about the Moment in Time exhibit from!

the PLATE truth

Where are the beautifully plated foods?  I have been home from my residency for 3 days, and I miss my housemates, my studio, the time to focus solely on creation, and honestly, I miss the sauce swirls and flower garnishes on every meal.  So bratty, I know.  Even the goulash was stunning.  Fear not, I’ll publish the Call for that residency another day.  In the meantime, here’s a Call for your best still life work.  Investigate…

Check out this Call for Entries from for Moment in Time 2018 & the Christopher E. Burke Fine Art Grant. $25 entry & no shipping.  Remember that “still life” need only be life that is still, no basket of fruit required.  And, one artist now receives a $500 grant.  Take a look…

Learn more about the Moment in Time exhibit from!CALL for ENTRIES:
Moment in Time 2018

ELIGIBILITY: All artists age 18+ (int’l)

MEDIA:   Open to work in any medium including digital and experimental mediums

THEME:  STILL LIFE “can be a very personal view of an artist’s daily life. . . . The magic of still life imagery is that they [sic] can show us a new way of looking at the ordinary objects around us. Once they are placed into a specific arrangement and then captured in paint, ink, pastel, photography or any other medium – the objects take on a whole new meaning. They are imbued with a life beyond the ordinary. Their existence becomes recorded in time. The objects chosen for a still life painting often have a special meaning, either on a personal, cultural, societal, religious or philosophical level. The themes surrounding the artwork often provoke introspection and reflection in the viewer. The way that the objects are depicted can evoke a wide variety of emotions“. –

DEADLINE: October 15, 2018

NOTIFICATION:  October 20, 2018

ENTRY FEE: $25 for up to 3, $5 ea. add’l

AWARDS:  20 artists will be selected for an online group exhibit, “MOMENT IN TIME 2018” at Gallery25N; the exhibit and artists will be extensively marketed worldwide to over 26,000 people including art buyers, gallery owners, curators, collectors, etc.  One artist will be selected to receive the “Christopher E. Burke Fine Art Grant of $500. That artist’s work will become the image of the exhibition and will be used on the invitation, video title screen and on all online marketing.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from!

CALL for ENTRIES: Light of Day

Learn more about the Light of Day exhibit from!


BREAKFAST eggspert

I miss breakfast.  I have been complaining about being sick of eggs for 10 years, but I’d give anything for an egg sandwich right now.  My residency provides the basics so that we can make our own breakfast –eggs, bread, butter, yogurt, granola.  But, you know what happens when a chef prepares every lunch & dinner you eat?  In my case, I’ve become too lazy to make my own breakfast outside a bowl of granola. *sigh*  This next Call if for your impressions of the light of day… not necessarily what you eat a dawn, ha.  Take a look.

Check out this Call for Entries from for Light of Day. $20 entry, no shipping & open to all still media.  Thematically open to interpretation. Take a look…

Learn more about the Light of Day exhibit from!CALL for ENTRIES:
Light of Day

ELIGIBILITY: All artists age 18+

MEDIA:   Open to still media, including painting, drawing, photography, sculpture, digital, prints, fiber art, collage, etc.

THEME: Light of Day Perhaps the sun as it rises to a new day suddenly presents to you an inspiring fascination which you creatively pass forward through an exciting new work of your own.  Nature’s light and your artistic hopes become realized and are seen fresh and renewed. . . . The artist’s and photographer’s exciting, potentially enlightening moment may bring forth to many cultures art work demonstrating subjective concepts, philosophies, or even political expressions and worldwide aspirations. We look forward to seeing these works which represent either a literal or metaphorical portrait of your ‘light of day’.”

DEADLINE:  October 8, 2018

NOTIFICATION: October 17, 2018

ENTRY FEE: $20 for 1, $10 ea. add’l

AWARDS:   $8,125 in cash & marketing prizes.  (e.g. 1st place $500, 2nd Place $400, 3rd Place $300, etc) + helpful marketing. There will be 7 Winners and 10 Honorable Mentions. 

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from!

CALL for ENTRIES: 2019 Trestle Residencies

Learn more about Artst Residency at Trestle Gallery!

JELLY much?

Why do we always want what we cannot have?  Deprivation drives some people mad.  I am not being deprived; I’m just stubborn.  It is a control issue.  The food at my residency is phenomenal cuisine offered in a beautiful setting.  I have eaten every manner of velouté, terrine & and savory foam imaginable, but I am currently craving a PB&J and banana pudding, separately of course.  Ridiculous.  This next Call is for a residency that does not provide meals, so you are welcome to eat all the junk food you can stand, ha.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from The Trestle Gallery (Brooklyn, NY) for Trestle Artist Residency and Visiting Artist Residency.  This is an opportunity to have work space in Brooklyn while developing a relationship with a great non-profit contemporary art space for only a $10 submission fee.  Take a look…

Learn more about Artist Residency at Trestle Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
2019 Artist Residencies from
The Trestle Gallery

The visiting residency is “ideal for established artists with a serious practice looking for a space to make work while engaging with the Trestle Gallery & Art Space community.” While the Trestle Artist Residency is “aimed at helping artists find a foothold in the art world while they develop a new body of work as an Trestle Art Space Member.”

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists. 

MEDIA: Open to all media

DEADLINE:  October 1, 2018

RESIDENCY DATES:  January 1 – June 30, 2019

SUBMISSION FEE: $10 for up to 3

NOTE:  These residencies do NOT provide housing. 

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about The Trestle Gallery!

ARTIST RESIDENCY: AiR Tilburg (The Netherlands)

Learn more about the SEA Tilburg Artist Residency!

pie or TAART

When I was a child, my grandmother would occasionally bake a special dessert and exclaim, “as American as apple pie” when she would deliver it to the table. I’m not sure why, just an odd familial colloquialism I suppose.  But apple pie certainly isn’t an American original.  The Dutch have recorded recipes for apple pie dating back to 1514.  An appeltaart is a deep pie with a pastry top and bottom.  It’s filled with a apple, sugar, cinnamon & lemon juice and sometimes raisins or currants.  Now, I’m hungry.  This next Call is for a residency in The Netherlands.  It is as Dutch as apple pie. *snicker*  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from the SEA Foundation (The Netherlands) for a Open Call AiR.  30€ application fee.  Two residents will receive full funding; there are non-funded residency options as well.  This gift of time may be just what you need…

Learn more about the AiR Tilburg from the SEA Foundation!ARTIST RESIDENCY:
Open Call AiR
from the SEA Foundation

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to professional artists, age 25+. Students are not eligible.

MEDIA:  Open to visual artists, curators & art theorists/writers in all stages of their career.

DEADLINE EXTENDED:  October 22, 2018 (Editor’s note: Please pay attention to the time and zone of the deadline when applying.)

NOTIFICATION:  Longlist November 1, 2018. Shortlist (invited) November 15. Fellowships announced December 1.

ENTRY FEE:  €30 (currently approx. $35 USD)

JURORS:  Artistic merit is the basis for selection. All applications will be judged by a panel consisting of SEA Foundation team members that is complemented by international advisors.

AWARDS:  Two selected residents for the 2019-2020 program will be offered a fully funded fellowship which includes access to all facilities, mentoring, a weekly stipend and a production budget.  Funded by SEA Foundation: Studio and private living quarters; Heating, water and electricity; Bespoke mentoring and training; Use of shared kitchen and common residency rooms; WIFI everywhere on the premises; Breakfast; Use of workshop and equipment; Use of art-related library; Interaction with local peers and other residents; Office facilities and printers; PR activities; Free parking (road side) Bike on loan; Stipend of 200 euro (approx $233 USD) per week; Production budget 1500 euro (approx. $1745 USD) depending on project costs. Paid by the resident: Travel costs & personal expenses.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the AiR Tilburg from the SEA Foundation!


CALL for ENTRIES: Open 2018

Learn more about the Open 2018 exhibit from!

the PRICKLY truth

Sometimes you just have to be open to trying new foods.  So, when handed a nopales taco by a friend, I thought “why not”.  Nopal is a common name for the pad of a cacti and sometimes refers to the prickly pear fruit as well.  Fleshy & a little tart, the nopales in my taco really worked as a meat substitute.  I’m not sure why I don’t eat more cacti. To what are you open? This next call is open to any thematic content.  Investigate the opportunity…

Check out this Call for Entries from for Open 2018 & the Christopher E. Burke Fine Art Grant. $25 entry & no shipping.  The theme is open to more than pencil & charcoal drawing, and one artist now receives a $500 grant.  Take a look…

Learn more about the Open 2018 exhibit from art-competition,net!CALL for ENTRIES:
Open 2018

ELIGIBILITY: All artists age 18+ (int’l)

MEDIA:   Open to any still medium

THEME:  Open “. . . . free from category, subject, and medium stipulation. Your art work can range from photo realism to abstraction; it is invited as your spirit of choice and is much appreciated as representation of a personal voice.  There is a welcome ‘mystery’ behind this ‘tabula rasa’ of opportunity which is likely to bring forth stimulating varieties of life’s subjective legacies. ” –

DEADLINE:  September 10, 2018

NOTIFICATION:  September 20, 2018

ENTRY FEE: $25 for up to 3, $5 ea. add’l

AWARDS:  20 artists will be selected for an online group exhibit, “OPEN 2018” at Gallery25N; the exhibit and artists will be extensively marketed worldwide to over 26,000 people including art buyers, gallery owners, curators, collectors, etc.  One artist will be selected to receive the “Christopher E. Burke Fine Art Grant of $500. That artist’s work will become the image of the exhibition and will be used on the invitation, video title screen and on all online marketing.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from!

CALL for ENTRIES: 2019 Outwin Boochever Portrait Competition

Learn more about the 2019 Outwin Boochever Portrait Competition!

I will travel for FOOD, will you?

If you could have any food you want for your next meal, what would it be?  My favorite foods list is a moving target, but my dream foods list is dwindling. I find that more and more, I just want an authentic meal… dim sum in Hong Kong, ceviche in Peru, pho in Vietnam.  Let’s go.  This next Call is my stateside art dream– the National Portrait Gallery.  Do you have a portrait to submit?  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from National Portrait Gallery (Washington, DC) for 2019 Outwin Boochever Portrait Competition.  $50 Entry for a chance to win $25,000 + a commission. Is this show on your bucket list? 

2019 Outwin Boochever Portrait Competition 
from the National Portrait Gallery

Learn more about the 2019 Outwin Boochever Portrait Competition!

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to professional artists, age 18+

MEDIA: Open to all media including but not restricted to painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, printmaking, textiles, video, performance, and digital or time-based media.

THEME:  Portraiture.  Artists are invited to interpret the concept of portraiture broadly.

DEADLINE:  September 3, 2018

NOTIFICATION:  Semifinalists will be notified of their standing on or before November 12, 2018. Semifinalist work must be available for shipping to Washington, D.C., by March 4, 2019.  On or about May 13, 2019, finalists will be notified of their selection and non-finalists will be contacted to arrange for the return of their works.

ENTRY FEE: $50 per entry

JUROR: The first round of judging will be conducted online by a panel of experts chosen by the National Portrait Gallery. The jury will select approximately 80 semifinalists.

AWARD:  The winner of the Portrait Competition will receive a cash award of $25,000 and will be awarded a separate commission to portray a remarkable living American for the National Portrait Gallery’s collection. The winning artist and the Portrait Gallery will collaborate to select the subject for the commissioned portrait. The second-prize winner will receive $7,500, and the third-prize winner will receive $5,000. Up to four additional artists may be commended for their work and those artists will receive $1,000 each. The winner of the People’s Choice Award during the exhibition at the Portrait Gallery will receive $500. All finalists’ works will form a major exhibition on view at the Portrait Gallery from November 2, 2019, through September 6, 2020 and the subsequent national tour from October 2020 through January 2022. 

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the Outwin Boochever Portrait Competition!

CALL for ENTRIES: Boys will be Boys

Learn more about the Boys will be Boys Exhibit from Whitdel Arts!

COOK for me

Why are there so few female chefs and so many female cooks?  It turns out that professional cooking jobs are like so many other jobs –ruled by gender stereotypes.  I lived most of my pre-adolescence without a residential female figure, and I was always taught it was my job to learn to cook.  I cooked most of my familial meals from age 5, yes 5, to age 15.  Imagine my surprise when I got to cooking school and found myself the only woman in my class.  This next call explores masculinity. Do you have something to say? Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from Whitdel Arts (Detroit, MI) for Boys will be Boys. $15 Entry & 33% commission, plus this theme is open to all media and wide interpretation. Take a look…

CALL for ENTRIESLearn more about the Boys will be Boys Exhibit from Whitdel Arts!:
Boys will be Boys
from Whitdel Arts

“This exhibition will explore different archetypes of masculinity, today’s societal pressures on men, and ramifications of institutionalized expectations.  Masculinity has a long and varied history, but with the current climate, the constructs of manhood have come to the forefront of conversation. With this exhibition, we aim to continue the conversation on the limitations and outcomes of the concept of masculinity.” –from

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all artists

MEDIA: Open to all media

DEADLINE:  September 4, 2018

NOTIFICATION:  September 7, 2018

ENTRY FEE: $15 for up to 3 (non-members); free to members.

SALES: Whitdel Arts takes a 33% commission fee of the sales price, regardless of gallery affiliation.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from Whitdel Arts!