Art and Art

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Art and Art

Tag: hand-cut

ARTIST of the DAY: Elise Wehle

"Veils 4" & "At the Gates 5" by Elise Wehle
“Veils 4” & “At the Gates 5” by Elise Wehle

Making art makes me conscious of my hands again, and all
of my work requires time-intensive, redundant
movements that remind me that not everything is as
instantaneous as a click of a mouse.
” –Elise Wehle


I get her, this artist. The meticulous work of today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Elise Wehle combines meticulous hand-cut detail with patient composition, creating lush portraits and landscapes that make me long for travel and vacation.  Art’s truest purpose is to evoke emotion & prompt action.  Where does this work transport you?


Dream with the hand-cut collage work of today’s AAAD Artist of the DayElise Wehle!



