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Art and Art

Tag: Ellen Jewett

ARTIST of the DAY: Ellen Jewett

STRANGE and gentle

As the years go by, I have come to view the details with different eyes.   With people, I have a far greater capacity for empathy even without intimate knowledge of every detail.  But with art, I find myself captivated by the minutia.  I enjoy dissecting the elements.  The sculpture of today’s Artist of the Day, Ellen Jewett, keeps me busy for hours.  A cursory glance may reveal spectacular figurative work, but the individual elements offer tiny narratives to be combined into a more complicated world view.  Mesmerizing. (continues below)

strange and gentle by Ellen Jewett
strange and gentle by Ellen Jewett

“At first glance my work explores the more modern prosaic concept of nature: a source of serene nostalgia balanced with the more visceral experience of ‘wildness’ as remarkably alien and indifferent.  Upon closer inspection of each ‘creature’ the viewer may discover a frieze on which themes as familiar as domestication and as abrasive as domination fall into sharp relief.”Ellen Jewett

Discover more work by Ellen Jewett!