Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art

Tag: deconstructionism

ARTIST of the DAY: Regardt van der Meulen

"Untitled" (20 mm mild steel round bar) by Regardt van der Meulen
“Untitled” (20 mm mild steel round bar) by Regardt van der Meulen

“People habitually live with a misled sense of security, the illusion that our environment or civilisation is dependable and static. Often times the dangers and violence of the current world we live in interrupts and the illusion of safety is exposed.” 
Regardt van der Meulen


A friend recently messaged me to say, “I don’t know how I’m going to make it through today. How do you do it?” I replied, “I just put on foot in front of the other until I get to the end.”  In hindsight, even that simple plan is fraught with assumption.  ANY way you get through is better than NOT getting through.  Don’t worry about the bonus points for style.  Today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Regardt van der Meulen sculpts with full awareness of the ephemeral nature of how we exist. Fragile, but stubborn.


Steel yourself with more work from AAAD Artist of the Day,
Regardt van der Meulen!


