Art and Art

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Art and Art

Tag: cultural diversity

ARTIST of the DAY: Sarah Stone

(left to right) Persephone, Cosmic Serpents, & Hades by Sarah Stone!
(left to right) Persephone, Cosmic Serpents & Hades by Sarah Stone

“Searching for nodes of human commonality across distance,
time and cultural diversity, I hope that my work can
connect people using recognizable threads drawn
from our shared mythologies.”Sarah Stone


My time as an illustrator has made me such a fan of iconography –from typography to sacred icons.  I appreciate the the subtleties of unspoken language.  I ask all new design clients a handful of questions that help me get to know them & their design style.  In answer to the “serif vs. sans serif” question, one of my recent artist-clients responded, “Sans serif. What am I, a lawyer?” Perfect.

Today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, Sarah Stone employs icons, both common & obscure, to open a dialogue.  Does the need to ask & discover open up the possibility for understanding?  Isn’t understanding the foundation for everything we want?  What do you see in this work?


Understanding is key to today’s AAAD Artist of the Day, painter Sarah Stone!



