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Art and Art

Tag: clay slip

ARTIST of the DAY: Fenella Elms


I met the talented James Dickey, the author of  the book Deliverance, many years ago. As I drove through the rural south today in search of the perfect patch upon which to grow the rest of my life, I felt the feral nature that must have inspired so much of the desperation with which the book reeks.  When my flight instinct kicks in, I need only look up to the trees to see the topmost tiny branches swaying in the biting cold air to find my calm again.  The work of today’s Artist of the Day, Fenella Elms, gives me that same sense of order in the disorder.  Calm in the chaos.

White Flow by Fenella Elms, individually-made beads on porcelain, attached with slip
White Flow by Fenella Elms, individually-made, ceramic beads on porcelain, attached with slip

“Aspects of my past career in mental health continue to influence my work with clay: the subconscious approach, a sense of rhythm, attention to detail and difference. I don’t seek to put my experiences into the clay, but marvel at how they emerge.” Fenella Elms

Enjoy the calming forms of Fenella Elms!