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Tag: Albariño variety

CALL for ENTRIES: Poster Design

Learn more about the International Poster Design Competition from Terras Gauda Wineries and the Vigo Port Authority!WINE
not whining

When I was in college, we chose wine based on the label–the LOOK of the label, ha.  The weirder the label, the better to try.  Never mind the rankings, descriptions or variety.  Nope, just label art.  See? Food & art have always been connected for me.  This next Call is a great opportunity for YOU to put your work on a wine label.  Save a college student from bad wine by making good art.  Give it a try…

Check out this Call for Entries from Terras Gauda Wineries (Galicia, Spain) & the Vigo Port Authority for the International Biennial Poster Design Terras Gauda.  No entry fee.  Huge cash awards.  And there is a well-documented history of winners to use as research.  Investigate…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Poster Design, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the International Poster Design Competition from Terras Gauda Wineries and the Vigo Port Authority!CALL for ENTRIES:
Poster Design


ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:  Open to any 2-D media including photographic, painting or computerized techniques, etc. that can be represented in a 50 x 70 cm (19.685″ x 27.5591″) high res format.  Under exceptional circumstances originals created using painting techniques (oil, watercolors, gauche, pastels, etc) may be accepted without a computerized format.

CRITERIA:  Select the theme of your choice, but ideally posters will relate to white wines of the Albariño variety Terras Gauda and Abadía de San Campio wines.  Credit will be given for creativity and the incorporation of the Company’s logo into the design.  If requested, Bodegas Terras Gauda will provide the designers with a vectored copy of the logo that may be applied to the works, as well as images of their products.  These will be available here: &

DEADLINE:  September 30, 2015  Note: You must MAIL a 50x70cm hard copy to Spain.

NOTIFICATION:  Will be announced on or before December 31, 2015

Learn more about the International Poster Design Competition from Terras Gauda Wineries and the Vigo Port Authority!ENTRY FEE:  None

JURORS:  Francisco Mantecón Competition 2015 will be chaired by José Mª Fonseca Moretón, Chairman of Bodegas Terras Gauda.  Pilar Barreiro Mosquera, Philologist & widow of Francisco Mantecón, José María Cruz Novillo, Graphic Designer, Medalla de Oro al Mérito en las Bellas Artes (2012), Enrique Costas Rodríguez, Managing Director of Bodegas Terras Gauda, Ignacio López, President of Autoridad Portuaria de Vigo,  Laura Revuelta, Coordinator of ABC Cultural supplement, Paulino Novo Folgueira, Philologist,  and Barbara Pilarska, Winner of the past edition.

AWARDS: Grand prize 10,000 (~$10968.50 USD), 1st Honorable Mention 2,000(~$2193.70 USD), 2nd Honorable Mention 2,000(~$2193.70 USD), Special Mention 2,000(~$2193.70 USD), (The warehouse reserves the right to grant a Special Mention).

SALES: The winning works become the property of Bodegas Terras Gauda, S. A.  Non-winning works are destroyed after judging to ensure that they will not be used for purposes other than participation in this contest.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the International Poster Design Competition from Terras Gauda Wineries and the Vigo Port Authority!