Art and Art

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Art and Art

Tag: solar

CALL for ENTRIES: Print Exchange

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I love introducing new foods to food newbies.  Anytime you can get someone to take a chance on a new food, your reward comes in the form of their response–often shock, surprise and delight.  There are an extreme few foods that I don’t like, but beets have always been one of them.  When in Arizona recently, I was in the company of someone who ordered a roasted beet salad.  I tried it and LOVED it.  Merry Christmas for me; I now love beets.  Thank you, Kim.  For some of you, this next Call for Entries will introduce you to a whole new media.  Take a chance and figure out how you can adapt your media to this call.

Check out this Call for Entries for the Print Exchange for a Cure to be hosted by the University of Dallas.  The entry fee is low.  You get 10 prints in return, AND your work ends up in a permanent University collection.  Oh, did I mention the funds raised go to a reputable charity?  You couldn’t ask for more.

CALL for ENTRIES:  Print Exchange

Learn more about the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society!All printmakers are invited to participate in Print Exchange For A Cure. The purpose of this exchange is to raise funds in order to find a cure for blood cancers and offer financial support to those already battling these diseases.

ELIGIBILITY:  These works do not have to fall under any particular theme. The Paper size must be 7″x10″. The print/image size is open.  12 identical hand-pulled, original prints, with glassine or other archival leafing between each print, cut to match paper size must be submitted.  Each print must be signed and numbered somewhere on the print.  In addition, clearly print artist’s name, title, and media on the back of each print.

MEDIA:  Printmaking including relief, intaglio, lithography, silkscreen, solar, woodblock, or any process other than digital.

DEADLINE:  Prints must be received by May 1, 2011.  But, participants must RSVP by April 17, 2011 by email to:

Learn more about the University of Dallas online!ENTRY FEE:  Minimum cost to participate is $15 US or $25 International paid via PayPal to or a check made out to Sarah Francis, other donations for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society are always appreciated. Please let me know if you would like a receipt for tax purposes.

PROCESS:  A portfolio of 10 randomly selected prints will be mailed to each participant by May 15th.  You will also be able to find digital images of all prints involved at the following website:  The 11th print in each edition will be auctioned off through ebay. The proceeds from the sale of each piece will go to support the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, and the 12th print in the edition will remain in the University of Dallas’s Private Collection of Prints.

The works will be exhibited in the Upper Gallery at the University of Dallas* from May 16 – May 27, 2011.

* Editor’s Note:  In the interest of full disclosure, I wanted to make sure that readers are aware that this is a Catholic University.  Their Vision and Mission statements: “The University of Dallas aspires to be recognized regionally and nationally as a premier Catholic, liberal arts school and a first-choice institution for practice-oriented, professional business education…to educate its students, to develop intellectual and moral virtues, to prepare themselves for life and work, and to become leaders in the community.”

For complete details, Read the Full Prospectus!