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Art and Art

Tag: Scottsdale Salon of Fine Art

CALL for ENTRIES: Salon Show

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I often wonder if my legacy will be converting picky eaters to Brussels sprouts eating foodies.  It won’t be art; I mean, my art has its place in the history of xerography, and I am proud of my contribution to my arts community here at  But, I think my love of food will be the legacy I leave behind…for better or for worse.  The Legacy Gallery will jury this next Call.  Take a chance…

Check out this Call for Entries from the Legacy Gallery (Scottsdale, AZ) for their Annual Scottsdale Salon of Fine Art (representational work).  This is a beautiful gallery and a great opportunity to show in a hot art market!  The entry fee is a little higher than what I usually publish, but the Best of Show award is $8,000!  Take a look…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Salon Show, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Scottsdale Salon of Fine Art!CALL for ENTRIES:
Scottsdale Salon of Fine Art


Open to all artists

MEDIA:  Representational work only.  Acceptable mediums include oil, watercolor, acrylic, pastel, and all drawing media. Photography and computer generated artwork is not eligible for this competition.

DEADLINE:  August 26, 2013

NOTIFICATION:  September 17, 2013

Read the Full Call for the Scottsdale Salon of Fine Art from the Legacy Gallery!ENTRY FEE:
$50 for up to 3 images

JUROR:  Legacy Gallery will jury the entries accepted into the Salon.

AWARDS: Best of Show:  $8,000, Runner-up:  $4,000, Art of the West Merit Award:  $1,000, American Art Collector Merit Award: $1,000, International Artist Merit Award: $1,000, Southwest Art Magazine Merit Award: $1,000, and Western Art Collector Merit Award: $1,000

SALES:  Proceeds from a sale will be 60% to the artist and 40% to the Salon.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Read the Full Call for the Scottsdale Salon of Fine Art!

CALL for ENTRIES: Representational Art

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Sometimes an egg is just an egg.  Yes, I love them benedict.  I love them scrambled, in caesar salad and as omelettes stuffed with goat cheese and peppers.  But sometimes an egg is great just as an egg.  The same is true of art.  While much of this site’s attention is directed at non-respresentational and contemporary art and photography, there is such a vast American tradition of representational work that I would be remiss not to celebrate that talent and potential in my readers as well.  Rachel Parker is one of my favorites.

Check out this Call for Entries from The Legacy Gallery for the 1st Annual Scottsdale Salon of Fine Art.  This show will fill a 10,000 square foot gallery in Scottsdale, AZ and offer a $10,000 first prize for Best of Show.  Take a look…

CALL for ENTRIES:  1st Annual Scottsdale Salon of Fine Art

You are invited to enter the 1st Annual Scottsdale Salon of Fine Art. This competition will feature the finest in representational figurative, portrait, still life, floral, landscape, interior, wildlife, and western themes. 

Learn more about the Scottsdale Salon of Fine Art!The Salon will be hosted by The Legacy Gallery in Scottsdale, AZ and will utilize the 10,000 sq. ft. upper level of the gallery.  The show will be featured in national publications and a mailing will be sent to an extensive mailing list.

PRIZES: Over $25,000 in cash prizes including a $10,000 first prize for Best of Show.

ELIGIBILITY:  The competition is open to all artists.  All work submitted must be your own original design, completed independently, and must not have been exhibited previously or have been available for purchase. Representational work only.

MEDIA:  Acceptable mediums include oil, watercolor, acrylic, pastel, and all drawing media. Photography and computer generated artwork is not eligible for this competition. Artwork dimensions need to be within 192 sq. inches to 900 sq. inches (for example, 12” x 16”- 24” x 36”). Artwork must be framed and wired for hanging. Gallery wrap is acceptable, providing the painting extends and covers all four sides of the gallery wrap. No metal frames. All works submitted must be available for sale.  No substitutions allowed.

Learn more about The Legacy Gallery online!SALES:  The retail price must be in line with your current retail price structure in your galleries and must include frame. Proceeds from a sale will be 60% to the artist and 40% to the Salon. No marketing, catalog or advertising fees will be charged to the artists.

ENTRY FEE:  A $45 entry fee covers up to 3 unique submissions. Only a maximum of two pieces can be accepted per artist. Checks, money orders, Visa or Master Card are accepted. This fee is non-refundable and must accompany your submission.

SUBMISSIONS:  Only digital entries will be accepted. Entries must be submitted on one CD with each file saved in a TIFF or JPEG format at 300 dpi and 5” x 7”. No slides will be accepted. A match print of at least 4” x 6” must accompany the digital entry. The CD and match print must be labeled with the artist’s last name, first name, title, dimensions (height listed first), medium and price. For example: smith_john_sunset_20x16_oil on canvas_4500.jpg . CD’s and match prints will not be returned to artist.

DEADLINE:  All entries must be postmarked on or before January 15, 2011. Entries received with a postmark date later than January 15, 2011 will not be considered. Entry acceptance will be notified though email.

For full Details, Download the Prospectus!

Learn more about The Legacy Gallery!