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Art and Art

Tag: R Bar New York City

CALL for ENTRIES: Tryst and the BP Oil Spill

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The thing I love most about being an artist is the creation of the work, but a close second is belonging to a community of artists.  Most artists are happy to have a local group of close knit creative types with which to share, and I am overwhelmingly fortunate to have all of you.  Okay, I’m tearing up more than when I chop onions, folks.

My point is…while many of us already have an artist family, we must remember that families have to grow or the lineage will end.  I have a friend in NYC who is trying to expand her fold.  Tryst Collective is looking for locals for a show called “BP’s Black Plague,” but never say never…send ’em your stuff because you just never know what could happen.


Check out the Tryst Collective's blog!NYC-based arts group, the Tryst Collective, is looking for artists, photographers, sculptors, crafters, musicians, etc. who would like to be a part of a *one-night* group show – an art, music, and networking event.

This is the first installment of a series of themed Trsyt shows that will be held throughout the year.  This particular show—BP’s Black Plague: a response in art and music— is centered around the reactions and responseswithin the creative community to the BP oil spill and/or our nation’s oil dependence.

Check out the R Bar NYC!Jessica Rowshandel writes, “We are still waiting for the date, but we are aiming for mid to late Sept.  We are looking for local people who can get to the venue the night of the show since it’s a D-I-Y sort of thing.

“The venue is R Bar New York City, which is located at 218 Bowery Street, New York NY  10012. The event will be ticketed.

Artists and musicians are encouraged to sell their work and network -making money and new connections.

Check out the perspective!We do not take any commission. We ask that the participants invite friends/followers because we need to pay for the space through ticket sales and more importantly, we are building a community.

“This is a very grassroots group and is held in nontraditional arts space, so participants should expect that. The venue allows us to hang work and we also have presentation and table easels. There will be a cash bar.”

If interested, please email them at:
with samples of your work and a little about yourself.

For more information, find them online: