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Art and Art

Tag: NYC Department of Transportation

OPEN CALL: Barrier Beautification

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Boredom is cause for eating at my desk, in my car or on my couch.  I’m not saying that it is healthy behavior, but it is, in fact, MY behavior.  I suppose if my Jeep came equipped with a fridge so that I could munch on carrot stick, yogurt and other healthy goodies, it might be less of a problem.  However, I would settle for less boredom in the car.  This next call offers motorists a better view and you a possible adventure.  Take a look…

Check out this Open Call from the New York City Department of Transportation’s Urban Art program for their Barrier Beautification opportunity.  I know some of you are thinking “I don’t live in NYC.”  Well, you don’t have to, and it would pay for you to remember that you are a citizen of the world…not just your hometown.  At least take the time to investigate…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES:  Barrier Beautification, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the NYC DOT Urban Art Program!OPEN CALL: Barrier Beautification


DOT, in collaboration with New York Cares, commissions artists and designers to produce murals for concrete barriers that typically separate bicycle lanes from lanes of vehicular traffic.  Hundreds of New York Cares volunteers assist the selected artists with painting their designs onto assigned barrier sites.

Each spring DOT announces an open call for Barrier Beautification proposals. Individual artists are invited to apply. DOT selects project sites and, together with New York Cares, provides all project materials. DOT oversees design and project implementation. Artists are responsible for translating their designs onto the barrier sites.

Learn more about the NYC DOT Urban Art Program!ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:  Painting

DEADLINE:  February 24, 2012

NOTIFICATION:  Early March 2012


JURY:  A jury shall review and rank all submissions based on the following criteria: proposed design is aesthetically pleasing and appropriate for the public realm; past artwork demonstrates proficiency in design; and previous experience demonstrates ability to accomplish large-scale, team-based projects.

AWARDS: Each selected artist will be awarded an honorarium of $2,000 to complete a final design, translate the design onto the barrier and oversee the implementation process with volunteers. Additionally, each artist will receive a $500 stipend to cover the cost of materials to translate the design onto the barriers (i.e. special paper, stencils and markers). NYCDOT and NY Cares will provide materials and tools to paint the design.

For complete details, visit the NYC DOT Urban Art site!

Learn more about the NYC DOT Urban Art Program!