Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art

Tag: Non-juried Exhibit


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I vividly remember the first piece of pizza I ate.  It was Totino’s (no, they aren’t a sponsor, but they should be).  I thought it was the best thing I ever ate.  I was around 4 years old.  I still think the little cubes of pepperoni are ingenious, and I still turn to this junk food classic when I am sick.  I realize it isn’t logical to crave junk food when you’re ill, but I do.  Yes, I know this runs contrary to my whole foods mantra. Deal with it; I’m only  human.  Sometime there is nothing like a first.  I’ve eaten a lot of gourmet pizza since then, but I still have the sweetest memories of the first.  This next Call is an opportunity for you to be among this site’s first artists.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from A.M.P.E.D. (online) for their February Gallery.  The entry fee is an impossibly low $10 for up to 5 pieces.  If you are looking for a little web exposure, think about giving this one a try…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: A.M.P.E.D., anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

For complete details, Read the Full Call from AMPED!CALL for ENTRIES:

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:  All traditional and non-traditional graphic media, including all forms of printmaking, drawing, and book arts.  All artists are encouraged to submit original prints or drawings produced within the last three years (2009-2012).

DEADLINE:  January 31, 2013

NOTIFICATION:  Non-juried.  Gallery will be available for viewing on February 1, 2013

ENTRY FEE:  $10 for up to 5 pieces

JURY PROCESS:  Non-juried.  Each artists can submit up to 5 pieces, of those 5 pieces 1  will be displayed on their homepage, and their additional pieces will be made available on your personal portfolio page.

ABOUT A.M.P.E.D.:  From their website: “A.M.P.E.D. (Art Media Production Entertainment & Design), is an artistic entertainment company, with emerging artists in mind. Giving creative minds a platform for their aspirations. Putting artists in cultivating environments with like minded individuals, all while producing and promoting quality bodies of work that will resonate throughout the world. Showcasing rare, and creative works. Promoting individuality, originality, and education. Our mission is to increase the visibility of artists by providing opportunities to showcase their artwork through our online exhibitions and artist portfolios. We provide direct access to artists so they can sell their work, and increase their exposure.”

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

For complete details, Read the Full Call from AMPED!