Art and Art

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Art and Art

Tag: February 25 2017 deadline

CALL for ENTRIES: April 2017 Issue

Learn more about the April 2017 Issue of ArtMaze Mag! early EATS

I struggle with breakfast. Starting my morning with the proper fuel sets the tone for my day, but I struggle nonetheless.  My art year is not that different from my work day –both go better with a little preparation.  This concept of preparation is why I have been pushing art publication for the past couple of weeks.  This is the time of year to drive traffic to your website in preparation for the full swing of the exhibit season.  I understand that some of you like online opportunities and some of you prefer print.  This next Call offers both options, plus international distribution.  Get prepared…

Check out this Call for Entries from ArtMaze Mag for the April 2017 Issue.  This is a great juror and a plush print. Enter for as little as $25USD.  Take a look…

Learn more about the April 2017 Issue of ArtMaze Mag!CALL for ENTRIES:
April 2017 Issue
from ArtMaze Mag


ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:  Open to all media

DEADLINE:  February 25, 2017

NOTIFICATION:  By March 15, 2017

ENTRY FEE: £20-30 for 3 to 5 images (approx $25-38 USD)

JUROR:  Work chosen by jurors from the Beers London gallery.

AWARDS:  Artists selected by the guest curator will receive a 1-page or 2-page spread including a brief bio, website, and 2-3 images in print and digital formats. All published artists will receive a digital copy of the magazine and will be promoted on our website/social media.

DISTRIBUTION: ArtMaze Magazine is an independent international publication which will be distributed both nationally and internationally in stores and via the online store.  ArtMaze Mag will be available in New York (McNally Jackson Books), London (White Cube Gallery and Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery) and throughout the UK in select stores such as Magalleria (Bath), Magazine Brighton (UK) and others. Print and digital copies will also be available at

For complete details, Read Full Call!

Learn more from Art Maze Magazine!
