Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art

Tag: Columbia

CALL FOR VENDORS: Crafty Feast – November 2009 Deadline

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This post will not end the debate about art vs. craft vs. artisan crafts vs. crafty artisans.  If the word “crafty” exclusively conjures the image of Martha Stewart and crocheted toilet paper covers for you, this may not be your venue. Not that kind of crafty!

I usually refrain from writing about Vendor Opportunities; however, almost every artist I know has a crafty streak (not the one pictured right).  And, I simply can’t refuse a connection, albeit just in name, between food and art.  Yep, I said it…art.  Don’t begrudge an craft artisan the title of artist because they actually SELL something.  Think of it as an opportunity–an opportunity to EAT.

The Crafty Feast will be in the Historic Tapp's Building!The Crafty Feast is an juried indie craft fair held in Columbia, SC.  It is mainly regional with artists primarly coming from the Carolinas; however, they do boast artists from as far away as Colorado and New York. 

This year, the Crafty Feast is being held in the beautiful 10,000 square foot historic Tapp’s building on Main Street (pictured left) in Columbia, SC on December 12th. 

I encourage you to investigate the Crafty Feast.  Apply and make a few bucks.  There seems to be no fee to apply, and the vendor fee ($60) is reasonable…you know how I love free entries.  Here’s some great information from their site and pics from previous vendors:

Visit this former vendor's site!What is an Indie Craft Fair? 

They’re not your mama’s craft fair, that’s for sure! Crafty Feast specifically specializes in experimental, non-traditional and unique handmade or repurposed crafts (we love green).  Indie crafts have swept the nation.  For more information about Indie Crafts in Atlanta, read this Creative Loafing article.  Many of their vendors come from–come to the Crafty Feast to check them out.  Or if you can’t make it to the feast, visit the site to find something perfect for you!

Visit this former vendor's blog!What is Crafty Feast?

Crafty Feast is a juried independent craft fair that was first held May 30th, 2009.  Crafty Feast showcases unique, one-of a kind crafts made by independent designers similar to what you find on

What’s a jury?  Is there a prize?

There are no prizes.  Everyone who applied was viewed by a jury of independent artists who meet, look at 2 images of the vendors work and make their selection of works that are handmade or repurposed and are unique in some way.

Visit this former vendor's blog!Does it cost to get in?

Currently, Crafty Feast is a free event and it’s usually cash and carry

I wanna buy that!  Who’s going to be there?

Past vendors goods have ranged from recycled handmade hats to purses made out of inner-tubes.  See all past vendors here. is a free service–forever and always. But clicking on a sponsor’s ad can help you find additional Art Deadlines and help this service remain free. I’ve filtered the ads so they are mostly about art. I hope you find something intriguing! Thanks for your support!