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Tag: Call for Enties

CALL for ENTRIES: Colour Burst

Learn more from the PH21 Gallery!JUST SAY NO
the brown has gotta go

I’m growing weary of brown foods.  We don’t often fry anything in our house, and we don’t eat wheat.  But, because we try our very best not to eat processed or artificially-colored food, the color in our diets almost solely depends on fresh vegetables.  There isn’t an abundance of beautifully colored veggies in season right now.  And, I can only eat so many servings of spinach and so many servings of sweet potatoes.  Bring on the beets, please.  Spring is coming.  Spring is coming.  Spring is coming.  I know it is.  In the meantime, lets all direct our rainbow-coloured desires to this next Call.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from PH21 Gallery (Budapest, Hungary) for Colour Burst. This is a great international opportunity. You can enter 3 images for only $17.90 (€15), & you don’t have to ship your work. The deadline is fast approaching, don’t miss this one…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Colour Burst, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more from the PH21 Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
Colour Burst


ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA: Photography fitting the theme–broadly construed as the significance of colours is independent of generic or stylistic constraints.

DEADLINE:  January 11, 2015 midnight (UTC+01) *NOTE: This is between 4 to 8pm in the US depending on where you live.

NOTIFICATION: All entrants will be notified 7-10 days after the deadline.

ENTRY FEE: €15 ($17.90) for 3, €20 ($23.86) for 5, & €25 ($29.83) for 7.

Learn more from the PH21 Gallery! JUROR: Zsolt Bátori is a philosopher of art and photographer, living in Budapest. He has taught philosophy of art & photo theory courses at various universities in the U.S. & Hungary.  Zsolt is also the founder & director of PH21 Gallery.

AWARDS: 1 juror’s choice & up to 3 honorable mentions will be selected. The juror’s choice receives 3 free entries for an upcoming exhibition.

SALES: Gallery commission is 25%. Exhibition prints will be kept on file for future sale and promotion for the photographer, unless the photographer prefers some other arrangement. In case of a sale inquiry the photographer will be contacted. (Submitted photographs, however, do not have to be for sale, & exhibit prints won’t be sold; they are for exhibition and promotion purposes only.)

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from the PH21 Gallery!