Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art



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with a pinch

Sometimes it takes just a pinch of an ingredient to make a dish complete.  Have you ever tasted something delectable and said, “What IS that flavor?”  I have theories of my own including nutmeg in diet Coke.  But not all special ingredients are a secret.  Pesto requires basil, but I prefer walnuts to pine nuts, and an art career requires publication…and a website.  If you have a website, this could be the nutmeg in your diet Coke.  If you don’t have a website, here’s another reason to invest…

Check out this Opportunity from to be a Featured Artist!  There is no entry fee, membership is free, and you could win a feature post with links back to your website, but you have to have a website.  And no, they don’t sell website service, ha.  You’ve got nothing to lose…

CALL for SUBMISSIONS: Artist a Day

Learn more about being featured at!The mission of Artist A Day is to raise awareness of fine art globally, through establishing personal connections between professional Artists and people who love Art.

From their perspective Artists are often under-valued, under-exposed, and under-appreciated. Through their membership base (free) of over one million people, they are able to bring immediate and lasting attention for Artists who would otherwise remain under-exposed.

“Very simply, if we can expose one person to a work of art they would have otherwise missed, we have made a contribution to the art community. With a million people, that contribution grows exponentially.” –

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists, but you MUST have a website.  They are selective of the Artists they showcase, and the body of work they represent. In fact, they only showcase one or two works by the Artist that serve as an entry point for their members to explore that artist further, both on and offline.

MEDIA:  Open to all media

DEADLINE:  Ongoing

ENTRY FEE:  There is no entry fee.

AWARDS:  A feature post including two images and links back to an artist’s personal website.  Editor’s note:  Testimonials from previously featured artists indicate that the surge in traffic flow to their sites is significant.

For more information, visit!

Learn more about being featured at!