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Tag: Art Scholarship


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Social networks dominate the networking world these days.  On the rare occasion when I CAN’T find a specific gallery or artist on facebook or twitter, I am truly shocked.  But I find that specific networking opportunities also exist on specialty social networks like and  I have a FREE account with both.  And, while I don’t always take full advantage of them, I am grateful for the opportunities they provide me fairly regularly.  And FREE means more money for…groceries, of course!

Check out this great Art Scholarship from that offers six prizes from $1000 to $5000 for winners.  Yes, you do have to take the time to become a member of, but membership is FREE!  Take the time to check it out…

MYARTSPACE Art Scholarship Competition
Rules and Guidelines


MYARTSPACE , the premier online venue for the contemporary art world, is now offering its third annual art scholarship program to the members of and Scholarship Contest! has created a scholarship program for students of artistic merit wishing to continue their education in an approved MFA, BFA, or higher level degree program for the arts. The scholarship is intended for students who exhibit exceptional artistic excellence across mediums of the visual arts, including photography and video, both contemporary and traditional in nature.

The scholarship arises from our commitment to support the visual arts and its artists. For four years MYARTSPACE has been a key force in availing opportunity in the arts on the web and in global events. They are providing a total of 6 scholarships — 3 scholarship prizes for undergraduate students and separately 3 scholarship prizes for graduate students.

FINAL DEADLINE for submissions is December 12, 2010, 12PM Midnight PST.

Visit!Early registration ends OCTOBER 31, 2010.  Free 3-month Premium subscription to MYARTSPACE for those applicants that have registered before the early registration date. This is an optional paid service which is normally $75 per year.

Scholarship candidates must have registered for the competition AND submitted an online MYARTSPACE gallery to the scholarship competition before the final deadline. The gallery submitted can have up to 20 images (JPEG format,  up to 10mb each in size).

WINNERS ANNOUNCED: Scholarship Winners will be notified by January 31, 2011 and publicly announced on or before February 15th, 2011.


Contest entrants must be a member of or  Membership is free.

Student artists must register for the competition and submit their work to the scholarship competition by December 12, 2010.

All students who register before OCTOBER 31, 2010 will be considered early registrants, and will receive a 3-month free subscription to premium services for MYARTSPACE.

Visit the Blog!Registered contestants must submit an online MYARTSPACE gallery, containing up to 20 images in it, for review by the jury panel. Accompanying the gallery submission it is advisable to have an Artist Statement as well as CV/Resume which should be constructed in the Artist Profile in MYARTSPACE.

They highly recommend that artists submit as high a resolution image as possible for jury purposes. They recommend JPEG or TIFF images that are at least 2000 pixels in width by 2000 pixels in height at minimum, and could be up to 10mb in size.  They create a lower resolution screen image for website viewing.  The higher resolution image that was submitted is used for the jury panel. 

Applicant must be a current student or pending enrollment in an accredited art school pursuing a BFA or MFA, BS or other approved degree programs.

Learn more about!

Applicants may enter the undergraduate or graduate program for competition but not both.

Scholarship winners will be mailed a CatMacArt Corporation check denominated in US Dollars, drawn from a US Corporation and a US Bank. 


The jury panel will consist of the MYARTSPACE internal staff as well as outside consultants.

Entrants must be a part of an accredited art program!All applicants from an accredited program will be considered, world wide.

The prizes will be granted to winners based on artistic merit, across all mediums of expression, including video and photography.

All genres will be considered including contemporary and traditional imagery.

There is no “theme” or restraints on artistic expression for submissions to be considered.


All applicants must be currently enrolled or pending enrollment in an accredited art degree program such as BFA, MFA, BA, BS, in the arts.

Winners will have to retain proof of their enrollment status for the pending semester the award is intended for or disqualification will incur and prize money will revert to the next runner up.

For full details, visit the Scholarship Page!