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Art and Art

CALL for ENTRIES: Coup d’espace ‐ Palimpasest

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Thanks for your patience this week while I took a little unscheduled hiatus.  Sometimes you just have to take a break and reset.  We are making some significant changes to our dietmoving toward less meat and dairy.  In addition, our musical engagements have picked up; I have art submissions to finish, and let’s not forget…blogs to post.  The layers of information I sift through everyday can be overwhelming, and then this Call fell into my lap.  So appropriate. Layers and layers and layers…

Check out this Call for Entries for Coup d’espace ‐ Palimpasest from the Washington Project for the Arts, a group show that explores Layers of Information.  There is no entry fee, but the deadline is only a couple of weeks away.  Don’t delay…

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Coup d’espace ‐ Palimpasest, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Coup d’espace ‐ Palimpasest


Visit the Washington Project for the Arts for complete details!

We live in a society of layers. Information is plied upon other information. Metadata automatically becomes part of every digital image. Museum exhibitions now include QR codes for additional information. The recent Experimental Media 2012 exhibition included them. The National Gallery and the Museum of Natural History use them.  They are ubiquitous. 

But what if the QR code became the contemporary representation of information? What if this encoded symbol displaced the original information? It wouldn’t be the first time that newer “text” has superseded the old.  Throughout the history of the written word, parchments and vellum have been scraped clean of their original text and reused. Over time, that original text (the scriptio inferior) resurfaces through natural means or scientific research. An immediate relationship between the original text and new text is constructed through their juxtaposition. –from the Prospectus

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all artists

MEDIA:  Any medium that explores the concepts of Layering and Information. Artists are encouraged to think beyond just the techniques of layering (i.e., Photoshop).

Check out work from Curator Steven H Silberg!DEADLINE:  Monday, July 16, 5pm EDT

NOTIFICATION:  Monday, July 23, 2012


CURATOR:  Steven H Silberg, independent artist & Lecturer of Fine Arts at UMBC and Neil C Jones, independent artist & Professor at MICA and Anne Arundel Community College.

SALES:  WPA will take a 50% commission on works sold.

For complete details, Download the Full Prospectus!

Download the Prospectus from the Washington Project for the Arts!

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