Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art

CALL for ENTRIES: Centering the Margin

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Culinary experimentation is one of my favorite endeavors.  I like to think of results in the terms a “margin for interpretation” as opposed to a “margin for error.”  No Canadian bacon or english muffin for your eggs benedict?  How about brie and roasted garlic loaf.  Granted, that interpretation may be on the very periphery of acceptable to some.  But maybe, just maybe, that’s the sweet spot.  These folks behind this next Call for Entries agree with me.  “Varied platforms of concept.”  Fun…

Check out this Call for Entries for Centering the Margin, an artist curated show brought to you by Root Division (Sacramento, CA).  The entry fee is incredibly low, and the thematic content is fascinating.  Don’t miss this one…

*Editor’s Note:  If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Centering the Margin, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Centering the Margin

Learn more from Roots Division! Centering the Margin is an artist-curated project focusing on artwork that concerns itself with spaces, events, and artifacts that exist just outside of our field of vision and attention. If our contemporary existence is marked by a focus on spectacle and constant stimulation, then Centering the Margin is a show that documents those things that fall outside this focus. These are things that require a change of speed or shift in focus to perceive them.

This show hopes to draw connections between artists concerned with margins, edges and interstitial spaces through diverse approaches and varied platforms of concept, representation and materials.

Works considered for the show could be: 1) pictorial works that represent spaces and moments that are glimpsed fleetingly if at all; 2) process-based works that employ materials that exist solely as vessels for goods or products, or are artifacts of technologies of display and production; or 3) time based works that document forces or phenomena that are barely perceptible or so common as to escape notice.  *These are only a few examples.

Learn more about Roots Division!Editor’s Note:  This call is meant to complete a show that currently includes the work of 7 artists including the curator, Anthony Ryan.  A total of 15 to 18 artists will be represented in the exhibition. Final selection of works will occur AFTER the Call for Entries process is complete.

ELIGIBILITY:  All artists

MEDIA:  All media

DEADLINE:  January 17, 2012

ENTRY FEE: $10 for 4 images

CURATOR:  Artist Anthony Ryan

For complete details, Download the Prospectus!

Learn more from Roots Division!