Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art

CALL for ENTRIES: Hispanic Heritage Celebration

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Warm cheese makes the world go ’round.  When I’ve had a hard day, there is nothing I love more than nachos and a raspberry pineapple daiquiri and my local creekside cantina.  But sometimes we must remind ourselves that there is far more depth of flavor and choice in Hispanic food than your favorite local Mexican haunt.  South America, Central American and much of the Carribean offer food your taste buds will never forget.  This Call for Entries is a reason to celebrate the flavor! 

Check out this great Call for Entries for the Hispanic Heritage Celebration’s Poster Contest at the Miami International Mall.  This is a great FREE opportunity for all of you graphic designers and illustrators looking for a great credit on your resume.  Don’t miss this chance…

Hispanic Heritage Celebration Poster Contest


Click to download the poster contest prospectus for the Hispanic Heritage Celebration!Miami International Mall will showcase the colorful flavors of Latin American countries during its 7th Annual Hispanic Heritage Celebration from September 30 through October 2.  This free-to-the-public weekend event will feature folkloric music and dance, country exhibits, art and flag displays, live entertainment and a parade of native dresses from South America, Central America and the Caribbean countries.

In observance of National Hispanic Heritage Month, Miami International Mall is sponsoring its first poster contest, which is open to the general public. 

The poster should reflect the artist’s interpretation or rendition of what Hispanic heritage and culture means to them. The poster should also incorporate the use of the Hispanic Heritage Celebration logo.

Winning artwork will be made into the official poster for the 7th Annual Hispanic Heritage Celebration and may also be used for promotional event items such as programs and invitations.

The winning poster will be unveiled at the 7th Annual Hispanic Heritage Celebration kick-off reception, which will be held on Wednesday, July 27.

ELGIBILITY:  The poster contest is open to all artists.

MEDIA:  Size of the poster must be 11’’ x 17’’. Poster must be mounted on a 15’’ x 21’’ board.  High resolution of the poster entry art must also be submitted in its native format that it was designed in.  Digital art should be burned onto a CD and attached to the mounted poster.  Official Hispanic Heritage Celebration logo must be used without any alterations of color or typography.  Entry form must be attached to the back of the mounting board in the upper right hand corner.

Download the Prospectus for the poster contest for the Hispanic Heritage Celebration at the Miami International Mall!DEADLINE:  Friday, July 1, 2011

ENTRY FEE:  There is no entry fee.

JUROR:  The winning artwork will be selected by the Hispanic Heritage planning committee. Submissions will be evaluated on the following criteria: portrayal of Celebration theme and message, use of logo, originality, visual effectiveness and quality of design.

AWARDS:  A $500 Simon gift card will be awarded to the winning artist.  The winner will also receive an invitation to the kick-off reception.

For complete details, Download the Prospectus!