Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art

CALL for ENTRIES: Venice Biennale

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I absolutely love heirloom vegetables. I love the idea of preserving the genetic “bloodline,” if you will, of a fruit or vegetable easily distinguished from the genetically modified, hot-house varieties we are all used to eating.  However, I can admit that sometimes a tomato is just a tomato.  This next call recognizes that sometimes art is just art.  They don’t want your CV, resume, statment or anything else–just your art.

Check out this Open Call from the WW Gallery for the Venice Biennale.  Here’s your chance to get a London show based on merit.  The deadline is rapidly approaching but you can email your entry!  Take a look…

Learn more about the Open Call for the Venice Biennial at the WW Gallery!CALL for ENTRIES:
Venice Biennale

ELIGIBILITY: Open to all.

MEDIA: Works should be on paper. Two-Dimensional, no larger than A3 size. No more than 1 year old. Media can include drawing, collage, printmaking, painting, digital, photography and mixed media.

DEADLINE: March 31, 2011

NOTIFICATION: Published on their website by April 25, 2011.

Editor’s Note: Yes, I am going to keep shouting about how ridiculous it is that galleries will take our money and not even bother to send acceptance and rejection emails, but I suspect we willl never win this battle.

Learn more about the WW Gallery!ENTRY FEE:  UK applicants pay £25 GBP (approx $40 USD).  All other applicants pay £30 GBP (approx $48 USD).

SALES: The Gallery is authorized to sell artwork on behalf of the Artist during the exhibition period. Title to each artwork will remain with the Artist until the Gallery sells the Work. The Gallery will sell the Work, as agent for the Artist, at the agreed Selling Price as specified in the consignment note. The Gallery will be entitled to charge the Artist a 50% commission on the net Selling Price of any Works sold.

For complete details, read the Full Call!