Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art

UPDATE: The Soap Factory Open Call

Click to Subscribe to by Email!I AM PROUD 

Many of you submitted work to The Soap Factory Open Call.  That is reason enough for me to be proud.  However, I am even more proud that so many of you followed rule #2 of How to CookA watched pot never boils

Despite the fact that the Call said they would notify in March, many of you are antsy and want to know more.  Instead of calling or emailing the gallery, you emailed me.  No problem.  I publicly stated that I was submitting, and I did.  So, I understand why you would email me wondering if I had been notified regarding my entry.

Well, I had reason to converse with Lillian Egner, the Program and Volunteer Manager for The Soap Factory regarding a different call that I will post this week, and I asked, “Is the open call still notifying in March?  My readers are excited and just want to know.”  Here is her reply:

“They will be notified in March, you’re right. We’re actually in the process of sorting through those submissions this week. There are several sessions of sorting and discussion. There are some terrific entries. Thank you so much for all of the support you provide for these open calls. Its one of the things I like best about working at The Soap Factory, but we couldn’t do it without awesome sites like yours.”

“If people have questions you can tell them this. Everyone, yeses and nos are all contacted. So no one will be left wondering. We do the majority of notification by email.”

Bravo to The Soap Factory!


In addition to providing stipends and some travel expenses to artists, they also still take the time to notify everyone.  There is a disturbing new trend amongst a few galleries to just post the results on the gallery’s webpage, and I don’t like it.  If you can take my money, you can take the time to send me an email.  So, thank you to The Soap Factory for caring.

Make sure you all email me with the results– good or not so good!  And remember, rejection letters can get you a free entry to the $2 Art Contest!

Have a Great Day!