Art and Art

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I’m not a huge fan of drinking plain ol’ water on a regular basis.  However, I recognize the vital importance of water in my daily food experience.  I can’t drink iced tea at my mother’s house because the water is very sulphur-y.  And when I lived in the USVI, it only took one turn cleaning the cistern to teach me to cook ONLY with bottled water in the islands. 

What does water mean to you? 


This next call encourage you to stretch your perception of H20 both visually and in written word.

Check out this Call for Entries form Arts Center + Old Forge for their Annual Themed Exhibit H20…an exhibit dripping with art and writing.  The entry fee is reasonable.  The jurors are great.  And here’s your chance to be doubly-successful in art and writing!


Learn more about the H20 Exhibit from the Arts Center Old Forge!A chance for artists and writers to slosh around ideas about a simple molecule that fills our streams, ponds, lakes, and rivers. Water offers recreational opportunities, delights us with its naturalbeauty, and indeed provides for life itself. So dip into your imagination and share the ebb and flow of your creative process.

ELIGIBILITY:  The exhibition is open to all living artists and writers age 16 and over.  The theme “H2O” is a flexible guideline to help artists think analytically about their work and to lend continuity to the exhibit.  Interpret the theme creatively; let your ideas flow.  Think about H2O and share your water-inspired work with the world.

MEDIA:  All visual arts media and writing (500 words or less).

DEADLINE:  March 7, 2011

ENTRY FEE:  $24 members/$34 non-members for up to two entries. The entry fee includes a copy of the commemorative exhibition color catalog, an $8 value.

Learn more about the H20 Exhibit from the Arts Center Old Forge!JURORS:  Debra Burrington (Visual Arts Juror) started painting as a young adult, attending classes and workshops throughout New England.   She continued her education by studying design for two years with Lisa Forster Beach of Stowe, VT.   Burrington enjoys attending workshops and exhibiting at the Arts Center/Old Forge and painting with the “Thursday Plein Air Painters” in summers.   She believes that inspiration comes easily in the Adirondacks.

A celebrated watercolorist, Debra has sold paintings throughout New England, in her gallery in Vermont, and presently sells works in her gallery in Old Forge.  

Check out the new Arts Center Old Forge building on Facebook!Bibi Wein (Written Entries Juror) divides her time between the Adirondacks and Manhattan.  She is the author of three books and numerous essays, profiles and short stories.  Her work has appeared in Iris, Mademoiselle, Biography, Other Voices, Kalliope, Redbook, Family Circle, and many other magazines and anthologies, most recently Why We’re Here (Colgate University Press, 2010).

She has been a frequent contributor to Adirondack Life, and is a contributing writer for Wildflower, the magazine of the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, Austin Texas.  She has judged numerous writing contests, both locally and nationally. 

AWARDS:  Honors and monetary prizes will be awarded. First, second, and third prizes in both visual art and writing will be chosen as well as the “We Know Best Award” determined by the votes of the viewing public. Award winners will be notified by telephone by March 22, 2011.  Please, no phone calls.

For complete details, download the H20 Prospectus!

Learn more about the Arts Center Old Forge online!