Art and Art

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Art and Art

CALL for ENTRIES: 2011 I-Park Environmental

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Did you know you can go green in the kitchen?  Aside from the obvious measures of choosing foods with less packaging, limiting waste and reusing containers, you can also compost.  I’m not talking about those huge composters that conjure images of big stink trash cans.  I’m talking about countertop composters.  This next call invites you to explore environmentally-friendly art options.

Check out the Call for Entries for the 2011 I-Park Environmental Art Program which is part Artist Residency and part Art Installation.  This is a great opportunity to be green AND get your art out there.  Take a look…

CALL for ENTRIES: 2011 I-Park Environmental Art Program

Red Balloons by Alice BettsI-Park is pleased to announce that it will be hosting its third international, multi-disciplinary Environmental Art Biennale on September 10, 2011.  This will be preceded by a 3-week residency that begins on August 23, 2011.  This residency is exclusively for the artists who will be creating pieces for this event.

I-Park’s interest in environmental goes back to its early years as an artists-in-residence program. Visual artists in particular were drawn to the rich, varied natural landscape existing at I-Park and were permitted to create modest pieces on the land. This evolved into a practice of active staff support and encouragement for more ambitious installations. In 2007, a separate residency session was created, devoted solely to the field of environmental art; a successful exhibition was held later that year. 

Glass Bottom Livingroom by Ted EfremoffELIGIBILITY:  Artists working in the following fields:  Environmental sculpture/installation, Landscape/garden design, Music composition, sound sculpture/design, Performance art, Written/spoken word/interpretation, Photography, video, moving image, Inter-disciplinary

MEDIA:  I-Park now views environmental art as a multi-disciplinary field and also encourages inter-disciplinary collaborations. The artistic engagement of the site for this program can involve site-responsive aesthetic interventions, the creation of new outdoor spaces and environments, conceptual investigations and projects that re-imagine our relationship to nature.

DEADLINE:  The application deadline for the program is February 28, 2011.

AWARDS:  $2,000 per participant to cover artist’s fee and material costs. Limited transportation cost reimbursement is provided.  Lodging & meals provided during the residency.

For more information, visit the I-Park website!