Art and Art

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Art and Art

ARTIST RESIDENCY: Martignano, Italy

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Recharging your batteries or becoming inspired…sometimes you just need some time away.  I am planning a short weekend jaunt to a neighboring mountain town to sit around a campfire, roast s’mores and act like a tourist.  I simply can’t wait…just a few days away from reality to get in touch with my inner dreamer again…the one that believes all things in life are possible.

If you need more than just a weekend away, check out this Italian Residency opportunity brought to you by the Martingnano International Residency for Artists.  Treat yourself to submersion in the culture and experience of a community that nurtures art and artists.


Martignano International Residency for Artists – MIRA, supports international artists and promotes the cultural exchange between artistic disciplines and international experiences. At MIRA they have created a pristine environment exclusively for the interaction of the artists and their work needs.

Martingnano International Residency Program!Their institution offers 4 furnished rooms, 3 with private bathrooms, which serve as living spaces. They are all adapted with work desks for the artists to be able to create also in the comfort of their room.

The grounds are divided between 2 buildings, one having the main shared work studio, and the other permitting the artists to work freely throughout the house in order to create wherever they feel more at ease.

They assist the artists as much as possible in order for them to concentrate solely on their creating. Once a month they organize an open house in which they invite local artists and the surrounding community in order to further promote the cultural exchange between the artists and their adopted home.

Also, they are fortunate enough to be sponsored by the Comune of Martignano who have kindly donated the gallery installations at the Palazzo Palmieri, every two months, in order for their artists to have an exhibition.

Artists, critics, press and the community at large are invited to attend. If funds permit, a brochure is printed to document the exhibition.

Studios are available from one to six month periods. They have found that one month is barely enough to arrive and adapt, let alone create and exhibit.

Martingnano International Residency Program!For stays of longer than three months, the options for those non European Community Citizens are to either leave the Schengen Zone and return, or applying for an extension on the tourist visa. Please check ahead with your local embassy, and they will check on their side.

There is a monthly fee charge of between 700 and 900 Euro depending on the room chosen.

This money goes solely to the maintenance and continuous improvement of what they can offer to their attending artists.  MIRA does neither cover living / material nor travelling expenses, although they will be there to greet you either at Brindisi International Airport or the train station at Lecce, and their driver will take to the airport again at the end of your residency.

For full details, visit the MIRA residency website!

Martingnano International Residency Program