Art and Art

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Art and Art

Tag: Oil Pastel

CALL for ENTRIES: 7th Nat’l Pastel

Learn more about the 7th National Exhibit from the Arkansas Pastel Society!iced PASTELES

My Spanish classes are coming along nicely although I am struggling with objective pronouns.  My food vocabulary expands easily and exponentially.  My favorite is pasteles.  Cognates are easier to remember, but some words just stick in the brain & roll off the tongue.  Pasteles = cakes.  This next Call is for pastels, not pasteles, but segues are hard.  It’s a stretch, I know.  If pastel is your media, this is a great show…

Check out this Call for Entries from Arkansas Pastel Society (Little Rock, AR) for 7th National Exhibit. This media-specific show offers $35 Entry, 40% commission & a great juror.  Take a look…

Learn more about the 7th Annual National Juried from the Arkansas Pastel Society!CALL for ENTRIES:
7th National Exhibit
from Arkansas
Pastel Society

ELIGIBILITY:  Open to all U.S. artists 18+

MEDIA: Open to work at least 80% soft or oil pastel.

DEADLINE:  September 3, 2017

NOTIFICATION:  September 21, 2017

ENTRY FEE: $30 for 1, $40 for 2 & $45 for 3 (member discounts available)

JUROR: The artwork of Christine Ivers has been described as vibrant & textural with dynamic light. Ivers attained a BFA in painting & 2-D design from Hartford Art School in 1973 & found work in the advertising field for the last 40 years, after which she returned to her love of painting. She is the Past-President of the CT Pastel Society, former member of PSA Board of Governors where she is a Master Pastelist & was inducted into the IAPS Master Circle of Pastelists. She is a current board member of IAPS & is affiliated with numerous pastel societies & art organizations.

SALES: Arkansas Pastel Society/Central Arkansas Library System retains 40% commission on sales.

For complete details, Read the Full Call!

Learn more from the Arkansas Pastel Society!


CALL for ENTRIES: Figure & Portrait

Click to Subscribe to by Email!PEANUT BUTTERY

I am wallowing in cheese, peanut butter and even more cheese at my house these days.  Did I mention butter?  Mmmhmm.  Gluten restriction has given way to fatty indulgence.  Pro?  Deliciousness.  Con?  It isn’t exactly figure friendly.  Hmph.  This next Call is definitely figure friendly.  Take a look…

Check out this Call for Entries from the Richeson School of Art for the Richeson 75 Figure & Portrait exhibition at the Richeson Gallery in Kimberly, Wisconsin. Win a prize in this show and walk away with LOTS of art supplies from Jack Richeson & Co. Win Best of Show and walk away with $5,ooo!

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Richeson 75 Small Works 2013, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Learn more about the Richeson 75 Figure & Portrait!

Richeson 75
Figure & Portrait


ELIGIBILITY: Competition is open to all artists over age 18. All work entered must be original in concept/execution and have been created since January 1, 2012. No work done in a class, workshop or under supervision is eligible.

MEDIA: Artwork IMAGE may not exceed 144 square inches (height x width). 1) Oils, Oil Pastel & Acrylic 2) Other (Soft Pastels, Drawing/Dry Media, Watercolor, Gouache, Casein, Printmaking, etc). No photography, electronic or computer generated and/or assisted or 3-D is eligible for this competition.

DEADLINE: All entries must be entered online by July 19, 2013.

Learn more about the Richeson 75 Figure & Portrait!NOTIFICATION: E-Mailed on or before August 5, 2013.

ENTRY FEE: $35 for one image plus $10 each additional image, maximum of 3 in each category with a max of 6 total.

AWARDS: Best In Show – $5,000 cash.  1st Place in each category will receive a$1,000 certificate for art materials from Jack Richeson & Co., Inc.  2nd Place Award in each category will receive a $500 certificate for art materials from Jack Richeson & Co., Inc.

For complete information, Read the Full Call!

Learn more about the Richeson 75

CALL for ENTRIES: Richeson 75 Small Works 2013

Click to Subscribe to by Email!SEEDS, SEEDS…
Glorious SEEDS

I appreciate the tiniest of treats.  Some of the smallest culinary treasures pack the biggest wallup of flavor.  Think caraway seeds.  Put too many caraway seeds in anything, and your breath will smell like you’ve eaten rye toast at every meal for a week.  This next Call is for ARTWORK that is small enough to take almost anywhere.  By the way, the small size makes SHIPPING the work a bargain too!  Look closely…

Check out this Call for Entries from the Richeson School of Art for the Richeson 75 Small Works 2013 exhibition at the Richeson Gallery in Kimberly, Wisconsin. Win a prize in this show and walk away with LOTS of art supplies from Jack Richeson & Co.  Win Best of Show and walk away with $5,ooo!

*Editor’s Note: If you have read the personal portion of this post, CALL for ENTRIES: Richeson 75 Small Works 2013, anywhere other than by email subscription or on, it has been published without permission and is considered theft.

Richeson 75 Small Works 2013


Learn more about the Richeson 75 Figure Small Works 2013Richeson School of Art & Gallery, a division of Jack Richeson & Co., Inc., is proud to announce the Richeson 75 Small Works 2013.  Seventy five two-dimensional works of art and several alternates will be selected to represent the finest examples of painting and drawing being produced by today’s visual artists.

ELIGIBILITY: Competition is open to all artists over age 18. All work entered must be original in concept/execution and have been created since January 1, 2011.  No work done in a class, workshop or under supervision is eligible.

MEDIA Categories: Artwork IMAGE may not exceed 144 square inches (height x width). 1) Oils, Oil Pastel & Acrylic 2) Other (Soft Pastels, Drawing/Dry Media, Watercolor, Gouache, Casein, Printmaking, etc).  No photography, electronic or computer generated and/or assisted or 3-D is eligible for this competition.

DEADLINE: All entries must be postmarked or entered online by November 30, 2012.

NOTIFICATION: E-Mailed on or before December 17, 2012.

Learn more about the Richeson 75 Small Works 2013ENTRY FEE: $35 for one image plus $10 each additional image, maximum of 3 in each category with a maximum of 6 artworks total.

AWARDS: Best In Show – $5,000 cash. 1st Place in each category will receive a $1,000 for art materials from Jack Richeson & Co., Inc. 2nd Place Award in each category will receive a $500 for art materials from Jack Richeson & Co., Inc.

Finalists will be selected and invited to participate in the exhibit at the Richeson Gallery in Kimberly, WI from Feb 6 – March 30, 2012.  Only work actually exhibited in the Richeson 75: Small Works 2013 show will be eligible for an award.  Awards will be presented at the Opening Reception. Finalists will be featured in the exhibition book and their on-line Virtual Gallery along with information on the artist including artist’s website URL whether they participate in the exhibit or not.

For complete information, Download the Prospectus!

Learn more about the Richeson 75 Figure / Portrait 2011