Art and Art

A food-themed FREE resource site for ARTISTS.

Art and Art

ARTIST of the DAY: Kathleen Probst

all the proof I NEED

The written word is my window to art.  The written word was my media before the visual or performing ever took hold. Today’s Artist of the Day, Kathleen Probst caught my attention with the simple pillcrow, a proofreader’s mark (¶).  I had never been presented with work that made me think of the mark in any other way.  Until now.  This is thoughtful, considered work. (continues below)

Alinea #14 by abstract textile artist Kathleen Probst
Alinea #14 by abstract textile artist Kathleen Probst

“The symbol for a new paragraph is called an ‘alinea’. It is a french word. One definition of the word alinea is a new train of thought. This design concept is not about holding back, it is about finding just the right amount.  Alinea searches for answers on my quest for simplicity. The gestural lines of Alinea are becoming more organic as I learn to work with them, each making a bold step forward.”

Kathleen Probst

Learn more about Kathleen Probst!